Welcome to your DOOM

srsly ur gonna die bru

Let me explain to you how:

1st. I will find where you live and/or where you are

2nd. I will kiss you

3rd. You will fall in love with me

4th. We will have a happy life with eachother

5th. I will hold you in your deathbed

6th. You will die in my arms

this is your fate

Hehehehe ⇂⌉⍾⍽⍾⌈⇃


Do you want to gamble? yes or no

So anyways welcome to my website. This is Slurpy the frog

Its pretty cool

This site was made by the one and only CYCIC. The greatest jester, endrepenure, and scientist what a set of skills! . If you have any doubts refer to the about section. I dont know how or why you got here but I hope you enjoy your stay. Theres not much to see just yet but eventually there will be loads to explore. From the Great and Powerful Cycic to you: HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!


using namespace std; 

int main() { 
	srand(time(0)); // Seed the random number generator 
	string choices[3] = { "rock", "paper", "scissors" }; 
	string userChoice, computerChoice;
	int computerChoiceIndex; 
	string again = "Y";

while (again == "Y") { computerChoiceIndex = rand() % 3; computerChoice = choices[computerChoiceIndex]; cout << "Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors!" << endl; cout << "Enter rock, paper, or scissors: "; cin >> userChoice; cout << "Computer chose: " << computerChoice << endl; if (userChoice == computerChoice) { cout << "It's a tie!" << endl; } else if ((userChoice == "rock" && computerChoice == "scissors") || (userChoice == "paper" && computerChoice == "rock") || (userChoice == "scissors" && computerChoice == "paper")) { cout << "You win!\n"; } else { cout << "Computer wins\n"; } cout << "Do you want to play again? (Y or N) " << endl; cin >> again; } return 0; }

Its in C++ sowwy >w<